Sunday, August 7, 2016


Image result for fathers and daughters


Directed by Gabriele Muccino
Screenplay by Brad Desch
Starring: Russell Crowe; Amanda Seyfried. Aaron Paul; and Kylie Rogers

The film follows the relationship between author Jake Davis (Crowe) and his daughter Kate ( played by both Seyfried and Rogers)

I just got done reviewing Cafe Society. I mentioned how odd it is to see a soft quiet film in between all the loud summer blockbusters. Well here is another soft film, however this one as opposed to Cafe Society which has a bit of joy in it, this film has an umbrella of sadness to it.

Let me start with the good:
The acting is just wonderful.
Russell Crowe as always is good, here playing the father desperate to keep his daughter while fighting a personal illness. My blinders may be on because Crowe is my favorite actor working today.
Amanda Seyfried plays the older Kate and is a mess. She is spot on playing the ball of emotions this young lady is.
Aaron Paul as Cameron Kate's love interest. He plays against type as the kind patient boyfriend.
Kylie Rogers playing the young Kate, swoops in and out performs everyone. She is asked to show a wide range of emotions in this film and she is spectacular.

Then come the bad.
The film moves in slow motion, which can be fine but the story is so sad, and many parts drag as I felt I was seeing the same pieces of the story over and over again.It is painful.
Then the film is showed sometimes in flashbacks and sometimes not, which makes it confusing.
Another problem is the older Kate is ....annoying. Yes she has been through a lot, but she comes across as an asshole. Even with the ending, which seems rushed, I did not care about her.

As stated above, it has a nice story about a father fighting for his daughter, however there is an umbrella of sadness. 2 out of 5 stars for Fathers And Daughters. Great performances bogged down with a depressingly slow sad script, with odd editing between different time spans.

As always thanks for your time from the shadows.

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