Thursday, August 4, 2016

New Film Review: Suicide Squad

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Directed by David Ayer
Screenplay by David Ayer

Baddest of the bad trying to save the world.

So critics are ripping it apart. Me? It is not great, but it is good. It is a nice intro to some really interesting characters. The film will make a lot of money no matter what the critics say, so it is a nice set up for future films.
Lets me go through the cast:

Margo Robbie as Harley Quinn- She is the real star of this film. They try to push Will Smith, but no it is Margo. She is perfectly cast, and she plays Harley spot on. A little sad, a lot wacky, a loose cannon. Perfect. If there is one negative it is the New York/Jersey twang that goes in and out.
Will Smith as Deadshot: He is a big time star and is generous here to take a role where his character takes a back seat often. He does get a very generous backstory. He plays Deadshot as a sniper with feelings, and it works.
Jared Leto as The Joker-I do not know what to think. After all the talk in the press about his Joker, He really is not in the picture much. It is interesting how he manipulates Harley. However that is all back story, not much of The Joker after that. As for his Joker. From the little we see of him....slightly overrated, Heath Ledger is still the best Joker.
Jai Courtney as Boomerang-He was really good but he took a big backseat and we really did not find out much about him. He was just there, at least he added humor.
Jay Hernandez as Diablo-He is really good, he brings feeling to his part. We see his inner struggles. He almost just wants peace. He almost hates himself. In a part that going in I did not think much about he really shines.
Adewale-Akinnuoye-Agbaje as Killer Croc-Just a waste. Not much of a back story and I really did not understand a thing he said. I guess he is good...could not really tell.
Karen Fukuhara as Katana-we did not get much press on her part or Karen herself. She made her part interesting. There is a language barrier yet you see that what she is doing is bigger than this mission. Think about press...language barrier and you still feel her emotions. She is really good.
Joel Kinnaman as Rick Flag-In my opinion one of the best working actors out there (See The Killing or Run All Night). Again a wonderful performance here as Rick Flag. He is a bundle of emotions as  a Service man understanding his mission but struggling with the ramifications of his mission. He is really usual.
Cara Delevingne as June Moone/Enchantress-She was the only good thing in Paper Towns, here she is unrecognizable as a witch and really has nothing to do except get lost in special effects. Cannot go beyond that no spoilers review promise.
Viola Davis as Amanda Waller-You cannot criticize her I mean she is Viola Feaking Davis or her in this part mainly because all her cards have no been shown yet. I will leave it at that.

So it is well acted, and that brings hope for future Suicide Squad films...but here come the bad.

The look! The special effects seem cheap,
Dark. I mean not in tone but dark. The sun never shines. Even in flashbacks. WTH?
People? Where is everybody?? No citizens! No Police! No ambulance/paramedics! What is everybody on vacation? It is just stupid.
I would love to have the bad guy/girl/or whatever have a purpose. Nothing is explained except...I guess ending the world. In fact the story line is not as interesting as the characters. That is a problem because it is the point of the story.
Editing. Just bad decisions. Where to start. Quick edits during battles that take us away from what we are seeing. In the middle of battles we get flashback scenes, in other words we get into exciting scenes and out of nowhere we are in some club!! Why??!! Just bad decisions everywhere in editing/storytelling.
In other words...the next Suicide Squad should be without Mr Ayer.

3 stars out of 5 for Suicide Squad, for the acting and just interesting characters. Not great but good.

A couple last notes:
1-Look for Common; Ezra Miller; Scott Eastwood; and Ben Affleck all making small appearances.
2-Stay during the middle is a set up for Justice League and maybe Suicide Squad 2.

As always from the shadows thanks for your time.

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