Saturday, August 6, 2016

New Film Review: Cafe Society

Image result for cafe society


Directed by Woody Allen
Screenplay by Woody Allen
Starring Jesse Eisenberg; Kristen Stewart; Steve Carrell; and Blake Lively

Phil Stern (Eisenberg) moves to Hollywood and gets a job working for his uncle (Carrell). He stumbles on a relationship with Vonnie (Stewart), thus opening up a love triangle.

This film kind of surprised me. It is very soft, and as a viewer it come across as, maybe, just nice, just because it is the summer. I get so used to films with loud bangs; special effect; and powerful issues, all thrown at me. Here, it is just a soft interesting film that is likable.

Eisenberg's Phil is pretty much a young version of Woody Allen. He has all the twitch's and stutters that Woody has.
This is Kristen Stewart's third film with Eisenberg. their chemistry shows. Readers who have been with this blog for awhile know I think Stewart is an underrated as an actress and is one of the best young actresses working today. She does not do very well with interviews and paparazzi , and I think people see that and can not separate that from her performances which is sad because if you look at her performances after Twilight film you will agree with me. Here in Cafe Society she plays Vonnie so soft and confused that it may come across as easy but she is playing against big personalities.
Steve Carrell is pretty good in his role as Phil Stern, however as opposed to Eisenberg and Stewart Carrell and Stewart have no chemistry and it hurts the film a bit.

As for the script and look.
Like noted before, the script is soft yet funny and touching. It touches on a love triangle and how sometimes when it comes to love you cannot go back. I also love how it takes you to a time and place where Hollywood was magical and so was New York City (And throw in the mob lol). It gives you a feeling of yearning. If the script had a fault maybe it finished a little too soft (No Spoilers). The film came in under 1:30 and I could have used more.

4 out of 5 stars for Cafe Society. A film that does not really fit in with all the summer blockbusters, however there is something to be said about a cute, quiet, lovely, interesting story.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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