Monday, August 22, 2016

New Film Review: Kubo And The Two Strings

Image result for kubo and the two strings


Directed by Travis Knight
Screenplay Marc Haimes and Chris Butler
Based on the story by Shannon Tindle and Marc Haimes
Voice work by Art Parkinson; Charlize Theron; Rooney Mara;and Matthew McConaughey

This is an odd film.
First lets get this out of the way. The voice work is really good here. Especially by Art Parkinson who voices Kubo.
Second .............The look is fantastic with a mix of stop action and computer animation.

Now the plot. It steals a page out of the Disney book, you need a parent or parents to die.
Then you follow Kubo on his journey to retrieve his father armor.
Kubo is such a good kid which really makes this work. What does not make it work is a plot that can be confusing and odd  dealing with mystical strings and paper ....whatever. I think kids will be really confused. And....the evil sisters....are really creepy....not as much scary as creepy...which may freak out kids. It just seems like the story is in sections broken up way too often having to explain things. It is almost like the story or visuals could not tell the story so they felt like they had to stop and explain constantly. Very choppy. It is a shame I really liked Kubo and I cared about him but I was losing interest in back stories.

So great voice work. Great look. The story is interesting and magical just not that exciting, and the ending which is I guess is suppose to be uplifting seems...blah. 3 1/2 stars out of 5 for Kubo And The Two Strings.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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