Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Trailers 2-25-15...Yay or Nay

Lets face it...we all love trailers. It is a chance for all of us to be reviewers. So this is my first Yea or Nay by just watching the trailer!!!

First: Fantastic Four

Like the set up. A slow intro. Then wow!! They got Miles Teller (Whiplash); Kate Mara (House Of Cards); Jamie Bell ( Billy Elliot); and Michael B Jordan (Fruitvale Station)!!! Again Wow. I pray they do not fall into the over abundance of special effects that has been plaguing these super hero movies the last year or so. How many cities do we need to see get smashed. You know taxpayers have to fix that mess. Still that cast....YEA!!!!

A short...Disney's Frozen Fever.

This will be playing in front of Cinderella. Ugh. A trailer is suppose to give you something to latch on be excited to see it. There was nothing here. In fact that is worrisome because you would figure they would show us good music or something funny...ahhh Throw in that they put it in front of the new live action Cinderella, which made me worry about that film. I mean they felt they needed this short to bring people in to see Cinderella. Uhoh.  Nay!!

And the last one: Hot Pursuit.

I watch this and I laughed a little bit. Just a little bit. Interesting choice for Witherspoon for a follow up to Wild. I just kept thinking, I have seen this somewhere before with Melissa McCarthy in it, or maybe Sandra Bullock. I worry Sofia Vergara's character could become grating, just by being too overbearing. The premise looks like it could be funny though and with Anne Fletcher directing, who also directed The Proposal which I liked, puts me on the I went with .....Yea.

As always thanks for your time.

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