Monday, February 23, 2015

My Oscar night review

What you did not see!!!

Last night after losing out to Matt Damon for Lampshade, I finally took home an Oscar.
Sadly it was not seen on ABC, but I took home the Oscar for Best Assistant To The Assistant Directors Assistant. It was an emotional speech, but I want my readers to know I did thank all the little people in the cheap seats. I also brought up the struggles of Yaks in the mountain regions. We should be paying more attention to Yaks. How they work over 8 hours a day. Climbing and climbing and climbing. I gave a shout out to The International Yak Association.
I know all my friends were upset my award was not televised, however the video is being played in a loop at Phil's Bar And Grill.

Now to last night:

My picks-I had 4 out of 6.
I was flat out shocked that Keaton did not get the Oscar for Birdman. I just thought the voters would think in Redmayne they saw that act before.
Also for Best Picture. I knew it would be close but I thought the voters would split the vote for Best Director and Best Picture. I was wrong. In fact I am surprised that Boyhood did not get much love by the Academy last night. Maybe Boyhood was too quiet. It is a soft film. With a quiet ending. I do think, for the people who have not seen Birdman yet, they will watch that ending and go...what the ???!!!

Now for the show:

Let me check...hold on..let me check if it is over yet. Yes. Okay.

Maybe the worst Oscar telecast in years, from the red carpet all the way to the end.

Red carpet you ask? How about this interview with Dakota Johnson and mom Melanie Griffith:

Uhhh Yikes! Many people say Dakota was rude. I just think the interviewer would not let it go. Or the follow up question to Dakota should have been, "Did you watch your mom in Body Double and Something Wild?" Plus...where are the handlers for these two??!! They were not prepped for this question??!! This hurt to watch.

Now we move on to the show itself.

Neil Patrick Harris!!! What happened??!!
I think it was a combination of bad writing. NPH was stiff with awful comic timing. The crowd looked scared and uptight.  All that together it was an awful show.

Lets give some awful highlights:

After watching this show I now understand that America is just an awful country. Racist..low waging..spying country. Our country is far from perfect, but what I do know is people are rushing our borders every hour of the day. They are not coming here because it is awful. If you are so miserable here the border is open the other direction. Okay...okay..I know free speech...I just wish someone would direct their speech  toward the "Love side".

Patricia Arquette. She was wonderful in Boyhood. But, equal pay for women in her speech? I am not doubting her cause, I just think there was an opportunity there. Her character was a single mother. How about a toast to the single moms. Or a mention to deadbeat dads who don't support their kids. No..she went with wages for women. And a bunch of millionaires clapped.

Please note on another subject last years Oscar winners: 12 Years A Slave.  Lupita Nyongo.
75% of the people sitting in the auditorium were Academy voters this year!!! I did not vote..why make the people at home feel guilty while the people who actually voted are clapping and crying. And if you feel there is a problem in society..voters start with taking some of your millions and pour it into inner city schools. Then I will listen. Everything starts with education and giving teachers the proper tools to work with. The people sitting there have the funds to make a change.

John Travolta...just creepy. Stay away.

 In memoriam...No Joan Rivers or Elaine Stritch. Two strong women who fought the all male system.
If you get a chance watch this documentary:

Obviously I love movies...I just wish the majority of the actors and actresses in them were not so damn condescending. And they do not look at themselves in the mirror. Last night was bad.

My few highlights from last night:

A wonderful speech by Graham Moore for Imitation Game, Best Adapted Screen Play.

J.K Simmons speech Best Supporting Actor:

Lady Gaga's performance. She got rid of the dishwashing gloves to perform.

Well that is all have for highlights for this years Oscars.

Thanks for your taking the time to read this and all my Oscar week posts. New reviews will be coming this week!!

Remember-- Every Thing Is Awesome! I want to get my hands on one of those Lego Oscars!!!

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