Saturday, February 21, 2015

Oscar weekend! My picks of who will win, should win, and who was overlooked.

First lets get this out of the way:
Who am I wearing Oscar night?!
A hooded grey sweatshirt with RunDisney on the front designed by Champion.
Sweatpants, Navy blue. Designed by Converse.
I would like to thank the designers.
I hope you get a chance see me walking the beige carpet in my hallway.

Robert Duvall (The Judge)
Ethan Hawke (Boyhood)
Ed Norton (Birdman)
Mark Ruffalo (Foxcatcher)
J.k. Simmons (Whiplash)
 Robert Pattinson in The Rover.

He plays Rey, a dirty looking, a little bit off and slow Aussie in a post apocalypse Australian Outback. He is fantastic in an above average, modern western.

Will win and should win:
J.K. Simmons for Whiplash
This is a lock. Just perfect in the part.

Patricia Arquette (Boyhood)
Laura Dern (Wild)
Keira Knightley (The Imitation Game)
Emma Stone (Birdman)
Meryl Streep (Into The Woods)

Kristen Stewart in Still Alice.

Yes I know back to back Ugh-Twilight stars, but they are proving they can act. Stewart is so good as Lydia, Alice's daughter. She beats to her own drum, but becomes closer/and patient with her mother as Alice's dementia slowly takes her memory and abilities.

Will win and should win:
Paricia Arquette in Boyhood
I want to say Laura Dern but the part in Wild was to small. I wish they could combine her two mom roles this year in Fault In Our Stars and Wild, but that is not happening. So Arquette is close to a lock for the Oscar. As the divorced mother to Mason, we not only see how Mason changes in the 12 years of filming but also how she changes with him.

Marion Cotillard (Two days One Night)
Felicity Jones (The Theory Of Everything)
Julianne Moore (Still Alice)
Rosamund Pike (Dr Evil)
Reese Witherspoon ( Wild)
Shailene Woodley for Fault In Our Stars
I cannot see anyone else playing Hazel Grace. She was all in. She was just a perfect ball of emotion. I would replace Pike with her. Pike was very good, but a supporting role in my opinion.

Should win:
Reese Witherspoon in Wild
She is in every scene. Often by herself not talking. just acting with her face and body motions. So good.

Will win:
Julianne Moore in Still Alice
She is very good as the detiriating Alice. She edges Witherspoon here because her part is realatable. Many people/voters know of/or are related to someone with dementia. Also, Moore has yet to win an Oscar so there is a career honor here. That all being said Moore and Witherspoon are both wonderful in their parts. No complaint by me if Julianne wins.

Steve Carell (Foxcatcher)
Bradley Cooper (American Sniper)
Benedict Cumberbatch (The Imitation Game)
Michael Keaton (Birdman)
Eddie Redmayne (The Theory Of Everything)

Miles Teller for Whiplash
He is in every scene. We feel his hopes, his dreams, his sadness. He plays off J.K. Simmons like he has been doing this for 50 years. Lets also throw in acting while drumming.
Note that all my "overlooked" are young actors. The Academy is reluctant to open the door for the youth.

Should win:
Bradley Cooper in American Sniper
His third nomination in three years. In this part he does a lot of acting with his body motions and his eyes. An incredible performance, Chris Kyle would be proud.

Will win:
Michael Keaton for Birdman
 Cooper will be knocked out by the PC voters( Note Jon Voight won for Coming Home, times have changed). That brings it down to a two man race Keaton or Redmayne. With Redmayne I think the voters will think they have seen this part before. So I think that will give Keaton the edge. Plus voters love a comeback.

Wes Anderson (The Grand Budapest Hotel)
Alejandro G. Inarritu (Birdman)
Richard Linklater (Boyhood)
Bennett Miller (Foxcatcher)
Morten Tyldum (The Imitation Game)

Christopher Nolan for Interstellar
I still do not understand what the heck happened in this movie. Still Nolan directs this movie through the many levels that we see. I cannot imagine how hard it was to explain to the actors what is actually happening in the film.

Should win: Richard Linklater for Boyhood
It was a huge chance and he made it over 12-13 years period.

Will win:
Alejandro G Inarritu for Birdman

Inarritu made an incredible looking film with no cuts. The film had just a fluid motion. Like Linklater it is so different. He will get the edge because the film is a bit flashier than Boyhood.

American Sniper
The Grand Budapest Hotel
The Imitation game
The Theory of Everything


Just loved the layers of it.

Should win: Out of the nominees I am leaning toward American Sniper. It does what movies can do: Entertain/educate/debate.

Will win

I think it is the closest best picture race in years. Again PC voters will knock out American Sniper
so again it will be Birdman and Boyhood. Boyhood is like a 3 hour version of the British documentary Seven. Never been done. So I give it the edge. Yes Birdman is flashier but as best picture I think the voters may like the ending of Boyhood better then the ending of Birdman. It is real close call

Well there are my picks in the major categories.

I will be back Monday with my thoughts on the Oscars!!

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