Friday, February 27, 2015

Movie Review..Focus

Written and Directed by Glenn Ficarra and John Ricqua
Starring Will Smith and Marot Robbie

Well, I thought the chemistry between Smith and Robbie was pretty good. Well that is something good.
They play two con men/woman. Smith the veteran con man. Robbie the rookie per se con woman.
This film is all how you approach it. There are gaping holes in the story. If you can overlook them, and not overthink may enjoy the film. As for me? I found both leads not likable. I do not know if the filmmakers thought having them in New Orleans stealing off Average Joes fun to watch. Not so. I found it annoying and I kept feeling bad for the people. The film felt sloppy, like the last con was just..who cares.  The one bright spot, Robbie, who we last saw in Wolf Of Wall Street. Her role is much bigger then her last film and seems to outshine Smith in this film.
2 1/2 out of 5 for Focus. The stars being for the acting, not the story. I wish it was

Well, as always, thanks for your time.

And today, of all days, it is important to remind you to live long and prosper.

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