Wednesday, February 9, 2022



A mysterious force interrupts a space voyage. This same force may be the cause of the moon changing it movement thus causing the earth to be in great jeopardy. It falls into the hands of a Podcaster/ a NASA official/ and an ex-astronaut to figure out a way to save the moon and the earth.

Well this is half of a good film, that would be the first half. The second half gets bogged down in a mess of a script...yet it still is kind of nonsense fun.

-The first half is exciting and interesting and well acted, with really good character development:
Hallie Berry as Jocinda. She is believable as a higher up at NASA.
Patrick Wilson as Brian. He is an ex-NASA astronaut who loses his job because the higher ups do not believe his ship was attacked by an alien force.
John Bradley as KC Houseman a podcaster who talks about crazy theories. He steals the film here. He is lovable and crazy and brilliant all at the same time.
Charlie Plummer as Sonny, Brian's son; and Ava Weiss as Nikki  Jocinda's daughter. They are good in their roles as they are stuck together trying to find a safe space before the moon destroys the earth.

-The script is fun all the way through and harmless.

-The back half of the movie is just too convoluted with aliens and an inner moon machine. And roll your eyes escapes on earth. NO SPOILERS. Its odd because it's still exciting and fun, but it seems messy and long and confusing at the same time.

2 1/2 stars out of 5 for Moonfall. You could do worse. For sure.

From the shadows as alway thanks for your time.

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