Thursday, February 24, 2022



Former Army Ranger, Jackson Briggs (Channing Tatum), has cut a deal to bring a former army ranger dog to the funeral of his former handler.  If he is successful he could be brought back in to a job within the service.

I must have missed something here. I went in with my hopes up high. I like a good "Dog" film (Art Of Racing In The Rain underrated ..Watch it), this film here, felt boring and blah.
I cant put my finger on it but here are my thoughts:
-Tatum is kinda stiff and unemotional around the dog
-The dog is unlikable..yes he is sad, and confused, and trained to not be a "snuggle" dog.
-The trailer builds it to be a funny slapstick road trip with a dog. It was not and I did not laugh once. Which leaves you disappointed after watching the movie and after seeing the trailer.
-The ending...the big payoff..what happen to Lulu the dog we do not get to see...we are just told about it, and get quick scenes, thats it. Which makes the ending flat.

-Some likable parts...I got the feels at the funeral
-A couple small performances by Ethan Suplee as Noah; Kevin Nash as Gus; and James Adams as Tamara: All 3 three of these actors lifted the film up.
-It is a true story. I imagine its a better story than what they gave us. Still its a sweet story.

Other than that..I got nothing. I felt the film was somewhat, and shockingly forgettable...1 1/2 stars out of 5 for Dog. Disappointing.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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