Thursday, February 10, 2022

Death On The Nile

Death On The Nile

While on vacation Daniel Craig investigates the killing of a great author who has a nurse who throws up when she lies, as they head down the Nile River on a boat, the boat hits an iceberg, the nurse kicks Craig off the a floating door and dies..WAIT A MINUTE..I THINK I MIXED UP MY MOVIES..LETS TRY AGAIN....

While on vacation on the Nile; Hercule Poirot ends up investigating a murder.

Director and star Kenneth Branagh learned a lot from the awful remake of Murder On The Orient Express.
In Murder, one of the worst films of that year, there was no character development which left us not really caring about anyone on that train. There was quick edits, almost in effort to make the film more modern, maybe to make it feel more exciting and quick....this only made the film seem choppy and confusing.

Now we come to Death On The Nile. The film starts with a backstory of Poirot (and by the way an explanation of the mustache that was panned in Murder, now you feel bad. Right?). The backstory of Poirot gives the viewer a feel of who he is (Missing from Murder).
The story line, based on the Agatha Christie book, is not rushed. We get to know each cast member, and relationships. As a matter of a fact, the murder does not take place until an hour in. At that point the film moves quick and is rather exciting. 
I am not going to go through each cast member, but I am going to say each actor is perfectly cast and believable in their roles. Highlighted by Branagh as Poirot; Gal Gadot as Linnet Ridgeway: and Russell Brand in a wonderful pulled back performance by him as Windlesham.

Spoiler free makes it hard to review..
I can say a couple negative things...There are a couple holes in the modern storyline; also they telegraph a couple clues that had me figuring out the outcome 30 minutes out. Not too subtle. Again spoiler free.

Well...I know I read the book when I was younger and I think I saw the original film, but I have no memory of the story. Not knowing much helps going in.  4 out of 5 stars for Death On The Nile...a very slow burn by Branagh in this pretty good beautiful looking film. I wonder if Branagh watched the successful  Knives Out and took note, how we got to know each character of the mystery, and then pushed through the storyline on the backend.

From The Shadows as alway thanks for your time.

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