Wednesday, November 28, 2018

New Film Review: Creed 2

Image result for creed 2


4 out of 5 stars.

This film is really good. There is a wonderful build takes its time with character development...
Mary Anne Creed
Ivan Drage
Victor Drago
Everyone of these characters had time to let us see where they are in life and where their heads are.
Credit goes to new director Steven Caple is tough I am sure to want to edit right to the action/fights.
I also have to say what really makes this film work is the chemistry between...Stallone and still great. However the chemistry between Jordan and Thompson is just is up there with Gosling and Stone. It is that great. It makes the film work.
Yes one big one...the long unnecessary training scene for the end fight. It boarderlines on ridiculous.
He was not out of shape he just had a bad approach.

Well anyway, right now...this is one of the best films out in the theatres right now.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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