Saturday, December 15, 2018

New Film Review: The Green Book

Image result for the green book movie

4 1/2 out of 5 stars

This is one of the best films of the year for sure.
The film follows a trip into the south by musician DR Don Shirley (Ali) and Tony Lip (Mortensen) his driver and sometimes body guard.
I saw some people complain that this film does not highlight enough the struggles of African Americans in the south. This is why I do this, the anti film critic...critic. That is not what this film is about!!! This film is about 2 people, from different races, learning from each other, on an adventure, who become friends despite their differences!!!! If you want something else, this is not the picture for you because this is not what the film is about!!!!!!!!!!!! This is what it is, a true story!!!!!
Perfectly paced by Director Peter Farrelly, with humor; sadness; and sadly violence.
Oscar nominations for sure for both Ali and Mortensen!!
Only negative from me is that 2 hours and 10 minutes seem long but to be honest I am not sure what I would leave on the cutting room floor.

The holidays are coming so treat yourself to this wonderful film!!!

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