Friday, December 21, 2018

New Film Review: Can You Ever Forgive Me

Image result for can you ever forgive me

3 1/2 out of 5 stars

Melissa McCarthy plays Lee Israel a struggling writer, who finds ways to make money by forging letters from famous people to sell them in the market place.

This film is well acted by both McCarthy and Richard E Grant (who plays another washed up writer who is kind of a Grifter). Both actors deserve Oscar nominations.

So you know the story, which is a true story, and it is shocking to me how gullible people can be sometimes. The problem is, it is an interesting story, but it seems, to lay there often, as she does the same thing over and over again. So it becomes monotonous at times and the character development of the people around her, which is important in the story, falls short.

Well worth seeing for home viewing when it becomes available.

From the shadows thanks for your time

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