Wednesday, September 20, 2017

New Film Review: Mother!

Image result for mother movie

Directed by Darren Aronofsky
Screenplay by Darren Aronofsky
Starring Jennifer Lawrence; Javier Bardem; Ed Harris; and Michelle Pfeiffer the next couple days I will be sending out some reviews from movies that came out a couple weeks a go. Yes I am a slacker, but now I come to the controversial Mother!

What did I know before entering the theatre:
-That the Cinema Score, which is a letter score given by patrons of the theatre when they leave, is a big old F!!!!!!
-That this is one of these movies that critics criticize the public, pretty much pointing fingers at the movie going public saying, without saying, that we are not smart enough to understand the complexities of the film. UGH!! AHHH NOOO!! We pay for the movie ...we pay to be entertained or maybe learn something. We don't pay to go WTH!!!
-Darren Aronofsky. I am not a fan. Black swan. Requiem for A Dream. The Fountain. To me they all seem like movies he did not know how to end. Also....he always seems like he makes it up as he goes on...and then critics go HE IS BRILLIANT! No. He throws crap at the wall and see if it sticks. Spielberg is brilliant and he has clear stories and has a beginning...middle...and end.

So...Mother!...I have no idea what I watched. There are no spoilers here because...I just do not know. Here is my guess: I think Bardem is the devil...needs a muse to write his thoughts/poetry....he needs followers which excites him. Once he is successful...then he moves on to another muse. That is what I think happened here. Now I hear it may have been Martians. Or just a dream. I am sticking with my theory lol.
Now here is the strange thing I want you to know. It was not as awful as what people say. Why?
-Jennifer Lawrence gives a wonderful, frightening performance. She really does not have many lines and has to act often with the camera tight on her face. I just do not get the hate for her in this film. In fact I think it is one of the best performances by a female lead this year. Maybe what people cant get past is the awful chemistry between Lawrence and Bardem. There is not one moment I believed them as a couple. In fact I found them, kinda gross as a couple, OR MAYBE WE WERE SUPPOSE TO THINK THAT!!! SOOOOO CONFUSED!!!!!
-The return of Michelle Pfeiffer, who is wonderfully dark!! Plus throw in a creepy performance by Ed Harris. Great casting !!

So...what I am saying this is not an F movie. It has wonderful performances...and odd I could not take my eyes off it. I was trying to figure out what was happening and where it was going. I was going to go 3 stars but the baby scene has me dropping it a whole star (I just prepared you for that). 2 out of 5 stars for Mother!. I would wait for home viewing...that way you can pause and discuss.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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