Saturday, September 9, 2017

New Film Review: Home Again

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Directed by Haley Myers-Shyer
Screenplay by Haley Myers-Shyer
Starring Reese Witherspoon; Pico Alexander; Nat Wolff; Michael Sheen; Candice Bergen; Jon Rudnitsky

Well Reece Witherspoon is Alice Kinney, a mom separated from her hubby, who lets three young filmmakers stay in her guest house while they try to get their feet planted in the movie business.
I read some key words in the advertisements...often using hilarious. Well not so much. I would call it sweet. Maybe cute with a few funny moments. Let me get started............

- Witherspoon, as always is so damn good. She is believable as a sort of single mom, looking to start her new life. Perfect casting. It is funny how she is juggling love for these handsome men...and love for these same ...well boys. Her facial reactions often are priceless.
-Jon Rudnitsky who plays George, the screenwriter of the three young men, is the scene stealer. He is perfect. He kind of likes Alice. But is more of a fatherly figure to her children. He is kind of intense, but yet soft. He is really good at playing this divide.
-Candice Bergen as Lillian, Alice's mom. Okay it is Candice Bergen, Nuff said!!!!!!!

Negative and the negatives are big:
-Haley Myers-Shyer's script. Trying to follow in her mom's Nancy Myers footsteps, she stepped wrong. There is a lot going on here and it all seems oddly cold or with no layers. Storyline after storyline never really seems fully ...put together, almost like there is a beginning and end but really no meat in the middle that makes you care. Maybe just too much was going on.
-Pico Alexander as Harry, he is kind of the leader of the boys. SOOOO MANY PROBLEMS HERE!!! As you can tell by the trailer he is the one hitting on Alice. I cannot tell if we are suppose to like him or not...but I do know I could not stand him. Every time he was on the screen I was annoyed by his character. Then throw this in. Pico can not act. He is stiff as a board. He reads his lines like he is reading a book in front of a class. Then he is acting up against Witherspoon and Bergen...which makes it worse. Obviously he was hired for his looks, but casting has to be better.
-Michael Sheen as Alice's estranged hubby. Yes he has some funny moments but there was not one moment that I believed he was Alice's husband. No chemistry. Yes I know they are estranged, they may not need chemistry. I just never believed they were married. Again......casting.

2 out of 5 stars for the cute Home Again. I wish it was better. It will make a nice film to watch at home when it become available. I really wanted to like this more.

From the shadows as always t hanks for your time

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