Tuesday, September 12, 2017

New Release For Home Viewing: The Mummy

Image result for the mummy

Well only one film to note this week......

Directed by Alex Kurtzman
Screenplay by Alex Kutzman
Starring Tom Cruise; Russell Crowe; Annabella Wallis; Jake Johnson; and Sofia Boutella

Tom Cruise (Nick Morton) and his buddy Chris Vail (Jake Johnson) stumble on a crypt that starts many a strange events.

I really like Tom Cruise as an actor. I like the Mission Impossible films ...I like the Jack Reacher films. However here he is oddly miscast. It seems he is to clean for this role. I felt like this character should have been more of a dirt ball. Scruffy. Plus he comes across as over the top. Almost over acting which is odd because he is a pretty good actor. The part just does not fit him.
Then Russell Crowe as Dr Jekyll, he is just boring. I felt that he did not have enough to do other than explain things. Yes he is in the final showdown but. at that point I was trying to figure it all out.....speaking of which...
The messy script. It really does not have to be this complicated. I mean its a story of a mummy. Two hours of transportation of mummy. Flashbacks to explain things. CGI scary things. All seemed not necessary. It just confused the plot and bored me.

As for the positives..............

Sofia Boutella as Ahmanet or the mummy. Is wonderful. So wonderful I liked her more than anyone else. I was kind of cheering for her. At one point they had her locked up and I felt bad for her. And she is the bad person!!
Also a positive, Jake Johnson adds humor. Sadly he is not in the film enough.
The look!!!!!! This film looks fantastic.. The sets and the locations are just beautiful!!

Well this was a disappointment because I really was looking forward to an old fashion horror movie. To bad it was so messy. 2 stars out of 5 for The Mummy. May be worth a look at home. Damn Boutella was so good...to bad the screenplay did not help her.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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