Tuesday, August 29, 2017

New Release For Home Viewing This Week....Baywatch

Image result for baywatch

Well...only one new release to mention this week for home viewing ...and well...


Directed by Seth Gordan
Screenplay by Damian Shannon and Mark Swift
Starring Dwayne Johnson; Zac Efron; Alexandra Daddario; Kelly Rohrbach; Ilfenesh Hadera;Jon Bass; and Priyanka Chopra

Well Baywatch is back. Settle down I know your excited
This is an odd film. There are action movies that have a lot of humor.....
Beverly Hills Cop
Lethal Weapon Films
And so on.

It is a challenge for a screenwriter...to add levity but still stay focused on the action and plot at hand.

Baywatch fails at this.
It cannot find its tone at all...
-It has ridiculous moments of scenes of Baywatch life guards being heroes and as a viewer I was not sure if I was suppose to be laughing at these moments. Sometimes the life saving moments were campy...at least I think
-Then there is humor but not much of it. And half of the so called funny moments just fall flat including one long joke (No pun intended) about a stuck penis. The trailer made us think it was a Zoolander film about Baywatch.  I cant honestly tell you if that is what they were aiming for...but if it was...it failed.
-So then we go to the story line. About Victoria Leeds (Chopra) running drugs through the Bay. This just did not make sense, I mean the crime sounded legit but the way she did this was just oddly more difficult then needed to be. Speaking of ridiculous. it ended with a ridiculous escape plan by helicopter. No spoilers here but........ahhhh your in a bay...take a boat...or a car???!!

Well there are positives:
-Everyone on the Baywatch team had great chemistry together. I found each character likable. To a point ...this film missed but I would like to see them again.
-Daddario who I have seen in many films and I always think that she is underrated...you cant help but like her in this part. I say that often about her. She seems to come into a film in a small part and always ends up as the one you remember...and cheer on.
-Chopra, even though she is dealing with a ridiculous story line, she is all in and she is really good as the bad awful criminal.

Well Baywatch 2017  get 2 out of 5 stars. I wish it found its tone and was funnier.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time

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