Monday, August 28, 2017

New Film Review: Logan Lucky

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Directed by Steven Soderbergh
Screenplay by Rebecca Blunt
Starring by Channing Tatum; Adam Driver; Daniel Craig; Riley Keugh; and Katie Holmes

Okay I have taken a couple weeks off from movie blogging. It is a combination of things: 1...I am busy as all get out. 2...There are just not that many films that are worth my time out there.
However more reviews are coming soon. But now I come to Logan Lucky...

This film does a lot right:

-Director Steven Soderbergh and  writer Rebecca Blunt. It pretty much is a southern/blue-collar version of Soderbergh's  Oceans 11.  Soderbergh and Blunt do not miss a step with this version of a heist. Sadness...desperation...humor...tension...all mixed up into a wonderful film. This time, instead of a casino, this heist takes place at a NASCAR race in North Carolina. It is a
just a fun film.
-Channing Tatum as Jimmy Logan, a divorced father of one child who has been kicked around and has been ....well...unlucky. Tatum plays Logan as a guy who has the weight of the world on his back. Overweight and walks with a slight slump. He is not the Magic Mike you remember. He becomes feel for him...he is just perfect here.
-Adam Driver as Clyde Logan. He is the quiet thinker. Life has beaten him down. Oh and he has one arm but still bartends. He as usual is spot on here. At thirty four he is becoming one of Hollywood's most dependable actors.
He really does not give bad performances.
-Then you have Daniel Craig as Joe Bang. Playing so far against his Bond makes just doing that funny. This may be a supporting actor nomination performance if the voters ever lighten up.
He grunts when he talks...and says so much with a look. He commands the screen and the good thing is that the other actors just let him ...take over.

Negatives? Yes....a few..

-Riley Keugh and Katie Holmes are wonderful but Sonderbergh does not give them enough to do.
-Like Oceans 11...there is  a............what we see and later we find out what we do not see ending. The part which we do not see, seems unnecessary and it seems it realize heavily on coincidences.

So 4 out of 5 stars for Soderbergh's return to the heist films with Logan Lucky. A tense, yet funny film.

From the shadows as usual thanks for your time.

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