Wednesday, August 23, 2017

New Release For Home Viewing This Week: Guardians 2

Image result for guardians of the galaxy 2

Only one new release to note this week for home viewing....and not a bad one..

Directed by James Gunn
Screenplay by James Gunn
Starring Chris Pratt; Zoe Saldana; Dave Bautista; Karen Gillan; and Kurt Russell
Voice work by Bradley Cooper and Vin Diesel

Well they are back. As you already know...they are now guns for hire...using their reputation as Guardians to cash in. However there are a bunch of story lines involving stolen batteries and a long lost father.

-The chemistry between all the leads is spot on. This is the type of chemistry that DC is praying for as they finish up Justice League. They are so quick with each other here. So good you forget that Rocket is not really there. This chemistry really has us as viewers care about all of them.
-Saldana and Bautista as Gamora and Drax shine in this one as Pratt kind of takes a backseat and lets them shine often.
-This film may be funnier than the first one, and definitely is the funniest movie of the year so far. Highlighted by a Groot dance scene in the beginning.

-This film was riding high for the first hour and a half and then it crashed and burned. Fast. It was no longer funny. There were confusing plot lines. There was confusing scenes, due to the darkness of the screen. The last 45 minutes seemed to be on green screen and ...for some reason I never felt like it was real enough that I did not feel anyone was in jeopardy.
-After all the talk about Kurt Russell being the father of Peter Quill it was a big disappointment. Russell just stood and lectured. He really did not have much to do.
-Then there was ending after ending after ending. It needed an editor for the last fight/battle scenes. Then they tried to throw in a tear jerk of an emotional scene at the end that fell real flat.

How bad was the end of this film? I been to many prescreenings with a lot of excitement wrapped around it...every time the crowd at the prescreening will clap. Here it was silence.  Almost like they were exhausted from the confusing never ending last half hour. 3 1/2 stars out of 5 for the first wonderful hour and a half of Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2. Stay through the credits. Also...this film really borderlines a PG13 rating. The language is questionable for little ones...for sure.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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