Sunday, August 13, 2017

New Film review: Landline

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Directed by Gillian Robespierre
Screenplay by Elisabeth Holm; Gillian Robespierre; and Tom Bean
Starring: Jenny Slate; Jay Duplass; Abby Quinn; John Turturro; and Edie Falco

The film takes place in 1995.Ali (Quinn) living with her sister Dana (Slate) and parents Turturro and Falco, discover her father is having an affair.

I was sucked into this film because the trailer looked fun. I had doubts, like this film, the last film by Robespierre and Slate got okay reviews ( Obvious Child), and I hated it. Well...I should have went with my instincts.

If you want to go to a film where a bunch of people just whine about life, this is for you. If you want to go to a film with really poor writing...some awful lines, this is for you.

There is just one good performance by Turturro.....that is it. Every one else seems like they are just reading their lines.

I hated this film...1 star out of 5....and that is for Turturro. Fooled me twice shame on me!!! I guess in Obvious Child an abortion I do not find funny. In Landline..a woman cheating on her boyfriend; and a husband cheating on a wife not funny (I guess if this was slapstick, but no).
It is funny...every time I see Jenny Slate in a Robespierre film she annoys me. However she was pretty good in Gifted earlier in the year. So she can act....if that says anything.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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