Monday, August 7, 2017

New Film Review: Maudie

Image result for maudie

Directed by Aisling Walsh
Screenplay by Sherry White
Starring Ethan Hawke and Sally Hawkins

Maudie follows the rise of a Nova Scotia artist Maud Lewis. Also the film follows the strange relationship between Maud and her husband Everett Lewis.

I remember when I reviewed Matthew McConaughey's film Gold. I was upset that they said it was based on a true story when actually it was not based ..or even close to being based on a true story. It left me confused because...I mean ...why put that in? Why not let the film stand on its own?
So I come to Maudie. Where no one knows half the truth. So a lot is conjecture. So I guess it is based on a true story. Still, as they tell this story they make it seem like Maud and Everett grew to love each other. Maybe they did. However word is he took most of the money from the paintings and put it away and treated Maud as more of the help. That stayed in the back of my mind as I took in this film.
Well let me get to the film:
-If the story is true...and we do not is a sweet story. Maude (Hawkins) is  crippled by her arthritis...and she walks like she is a bit ...well slow mentally. However you see in her eyes...there is a mixture of desperation and brilliance. Like she knows exactly what she is doing. Including demeaning herself to out smart some one in the future. Almost setting her life up. Then you have Everett (Hawke)...who clearly has mental problems, and just wants someone to boss around and control. However as the story moves on the two become partners and he seems to care for her. It is sweet...if it is true. You almost tear up as he carries her around in a wagon.
-Then you have the wonderful performance by Hawkins. now clearly the front runner this year for an Oscar Nod. She is incredible here. She plays Maud with such pride. She has no home at one point, she begs for work...yet you always see there is a master plan a twinkle in her eye. She plays her not for pity, she plays her with humor and love and pride.
Then Hawke who seems to have a great career playing off others see Delpy; Washington; and Arquette...and here again he proves he can play with the best. To play Everett he has to change his walk (It is a shuffle kind of) and his voice tone (A mumble but clear) he pulls it off. Brilliant. He will be lost in this film like he was in Boyhood, behind a great performance, this time by Hawkins.

-The film is slow. You have to be prepared for it. With it being slow I wished it gave more time toward the end and let us watch them grow old and see their relationship grow. If it did!!

3 1/2 stars out of 5 for the interesting story of the artist Maud Lewis. An outstanding performance with ...I hope a true story. We may never know what happened in that tiny cabin (Note the cabin was saved in Nova Scotia and is now a tourist attraction).

As always from the shadows thanks for your time.

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