Tuesday, June 7, 2016

New Film Review: The Lobster

Image result for the lobster movie

Directed by Yorgos Lanthimos
Screenplay byYorgos Lanthimos and Efthymis Fillippou
Starring: Colin Farrell; Rachel Weiz; and Lea Seydoux

In a future society, being single is frowned upon. To a point that, if you are single, you get sent away to some.....hotel..or resort to find a match. However if you do not find a match within a certain time you get turned into an animal of your choice.

Did you see that trailer????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Funny !!!!! Quirky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well then you are fooled. This film is like a Hunger Games however not pitting the war between haves and the hungry. This is pitting the couples against the singles.
The difference? Remember, and I think people forget, that the Hunger Games films were based on YA novels. Not this film!! This film shows you the violence. Even the singles are violent against each other in an awful fashion
This film is so hard to watch.
- Hunting single people with darts
-Killing animals that are suppose to be former people and you see them all bloody
-Sewing peoples mouths shut, and other areas!!
-Because you have to be a perfect match ...like if you have a limp they have to have a limp...which means you get the pleasure of watching people severely damaging themselves to find a match so they will not be turned into an animal
-how about blinding people

You cannot tell that from the trailer can you?
I understand critics like this film because they want to seem smart and see the deeper meaning (I have said from the beginning, here you get real reviews. I am not here to show you how smart I am. I am here to give my opinion and help you decide if you should spend money on a film). I get the deeper meaning: Societies influences on people to become a couple and how they, unknowingly or knowingly look down on being single in society. I get it. However...this movie is hard to watch, is upsetting and I had to close my eyes many times.

A great performance by Farrell cannot make this film watchable. 1 1/2 stars out of 5, and that 1 1/2 is just for Farrell, for this just hard to watch ugly film.You know my rules when I started this thing:
Was I entertained? You are sick if you were entertained by this. I mean the ending??? I get it...for love...I do not need to see it or pay to see it.
Did I learn from this? No.

From the shadows thanks for your time as always.

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