Tuesday, June 21, 2016

New Releases For Home Viewing This Week

Image result for big fat greek wedding 2

I have 3 films to note in an unspectacular week in releases


Directed by Kirk Jones
Screenplay by Nia Vardalos
Starring Nia Vardalos; John Corbin; Michael Constantine; and Elena Kampouris

Another wedding!! And a daughter deciding on college options.

Well that is the synopsis.

This film is a missed opportunity. It should have been called MY BIG FAT GREEK FAMILY.
Thats it. It should have been just focused on the teenage Paris, played wonderfully by Elena Kampouris. The story line that follows her struggles with trying to break away from the family and navigate her school life as a member of this family was funny and touching. Every time the film pulls away from her and focuses on this ridiculous and unrealistic wedding I lost interest.
The film relies on funny bits from the last film including Windex. However many and I do mean many bits fall flat. Including a really strange scene of the family all speed walking down the middle of the street, About 20 relatives all at once. While preparing for the wedding with "We Are Family" playing. I kid you not. I think they thought it was funny but it was cringe worthy.
Well, the acting is serviceable. The funny thing is this Kampouris acts circles around everyone.
Corbin who really does not have much to do here still has great chemistry with Vardalos.
Michaele Constantine is back as Gus the patriarch of the family is back. Sadly he is looking old and is struggling. They obviously try to hide it by having most of his scenes with him sitting.
When you go to this film you want to see some humor and some sweetness. This film delivers, I just wish the film was not soooo wide open with way to many story lines.
3 out of 5 stars for My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2. Enjoyable sweet film. By the way there is one really nice montage scene toward the end that had me raise the stars by a half. A great moment in the film. If your interested just do not over think it.


Directed by Jeff Nichols
Screenplay by Jeff Nichols
Starring: Michael Shannon; Joel Edgerton; Kirsten Dunst; Jaeden Lieberher; Adam Driver; and Sam Shepard

A father (Shannon) takes his son (Lieberher) on the run from authorities with help from his good friend (Edgerton). The government thinks that his son is a national security risk because he was born with special powers.

Well you can see from the trailer, the boy indeed has special powers.
You can also tell from the list above that this cast is amazing. What is interesting is that every name listed above are actors who seem, at least lately, to be in juicy parts. They all decide to take films that seem to be character driven. In fact I think Dunst has really become a very good actress as she has gotten older and is underrated right now.

Now to the story. The screenplay is kind of a mix between ET and Close Encounters.Where you have some people racing to get to the place (ET) to be picked up (Close Encounters). Critics love it. Me? It was really good and exciting. My problem is there is no emotion. Like the people in this religious cult that they come from, they are emotionless. I know their characters  care a lot for the boy, as they push to get him to the the coordinates, but even from Dunst, who plays Sarah the mother, her character was out of the cult for some time and she still seems numb.

When I was walking out of the theater I asked the only gentleman who was in the screening with me what he thought. He said "Cold".  That may just hit the nail on the head...Cold. Still it is a little different and may be worth a look for home viewing. 3 1/2 out of 5 stars for Midnight Special.

Directed by Louis Leterrier
Screenplay: Sacha Baron Cohen; Phil Johnston; and Peter Baynham
Starring: Sacha Baron Cohen and Mark Strong

Two brothers reunite after years apart. One works for MI6. The other is a football fan and a little goofy.

Well, this is maybe Cohen's best film. It actually has a beginning and an end.
Still, is the film great no.
Is the film good. Maybe not.
It is a Sacha Baron Cohen movie. It runs people in and out that we recognize like Rebel Wilson and Isla Fisher. It also has over the top gross humor. It is what it is. An over the top elephant scene which makes me wonder what people thought when they read it during the table read.
Often I felt bad for Mark Strong who signed up to play the straight man here.

What works? The story works. There is also some humor that is dry and moves through real quick that had me laughing (His family constantly made me laugh).
2 stars out of 5 for The Brothers Grimsby.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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