Sunday, March 20, 2016

New Film Review: The Perfect Match

Image result for the perfect match

Directed by Bille Woodruff
Screenplay by Brandon Brussard; Gary Hardwick; and Dana Verde
Starring: Terrence Jenkins; Cassie Ventura; Paula Patton; and Donald Faison

A Bachelor (Terrence J), Prefer to be single and is pretty much a player. Then he meets the female version of himself in Eva ( Cassie Ventura). This turns his life upside down.

Two unlikable people. I think we are suppose to care about them.
Charlie played by Terrence J is sexist and a player. I really did not care about him.
Eva, played by Cassie Ventura, also a player and she is not likable.
There in lies the problem. I was getting agitated with both of them. They threw in Donald Faison for some much needed humor, which is fine, he is funny. However he cannot save the script.
Now Casting!!
Terrence J does a fine job. He gets another interesting story line involving doing the right thing in business.
 As noted before Faison is funny.
Then Paula Patton is in this. She plays a therapist and brother of Charlie trying to point him in the right direction. OH BOY!!!!!! She is the big name in this film and she is barely in it!! I feel bad saying this. she cannot act. Never could. UGH!!
Then Cassie Ventura is miscast as Eva. She just does not seem convincing.

I promise you if you see this film at an hour in you will feel exhausted watching the two self centered leads. 2 out of 5 stars and that is just for the secondary story that Terrence J is in.

As always from the shadows thanks for your time.

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