Sunday, March 6, 2016

New Film Review: London Has Fallen

Image result for london has fallen

Directed by Babak Najafi
Screenplay by four writers
Starring Gerard Butler; Morgan Freeman; and Aaron Eckhart

In London for the Prime Ministers funeral, Mike Banning has to save the president again from terrorist.

Okay!!! You buy a ticket for this film because you want to see an action film. In that realm, this film is a success. In fact at the end of my screening the crowd in the theater clapped. So they got what they paid for.

You have to ignore a lot. Missing police officers. Odd decisions like, right away trying to walk in an open street to get to the embassy..JUST KNOCK ON A DOOR AND TELL THE PEOPLE INSIDE YOU WANT TO KEEP THE PRESIDENT HERE FOR 24 HOURS UNTIL THINGS COOL DOWN AND THERE IS DAYLIGHT!! Yes I know if they did that there would be no movie. Four Writers?
They have Morgan Freeman and Melissa Leo and they are barely used. In fact Melissa Leo I think only has maybe 3 line really? Four writers? Respect the Oscar winner!!

Okay positives:

The action and special effects work well.
Well Gerard Butler's Mike Banning is a fun character to watch, he is like a modern day John McClane.
There is a really good small performance by Charlotte Riley as an MI6 Agent. I think if they do another one she should be in it. She is an interesting character.

Leave your mind at the door you come for action you get it. 3 stars out of 5 for London Has Fallen. It is exciting in many parts.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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