Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The worst Movies Of 2015 Part 3: 4-3-2

Image result for hot pursuit

Directed by Anne Fletcher
Screenplay by David Feeney and John Quaintance
Starring: Reese Witherspoon and Sofia Vergara

An uptight police woman (Witherspoon) tries to protect the widow of a drug informant as they race through Texas pursued by many a bad guy.

So much went wrong here. Bad jokes. Bad plot twists that are just ridiculous. A grating Sofia Vergara. I am wondering if Sofia Vergara is a one act actress. Playing the same part over and over again. And if that is true her one act is getting old, it is not funny anymore. Reese Witherspoon, at one point she dresses as a boy. This is not funny and it almost feels cringe worthy. I could go on and on giving you scenes that were suppose to be funny and just fall flat. This is a mess.
The strange thing is the funniest moment did not come from the leading ladies it came from Jim Gaffigan as a righteous farmer.
During the credits they show us outtakes from this film. The outtakes show many laughs between the two leads, sadly it seems they had more fun making the film then I did watching it.

The Number 4 Worst Film Of 2015 Hot Pursuit.

Image result for sisters movie

Directed by Jason Moore
Screenplay by Paula Pell
Starring Amy Poehler and Tina Fey
Two sisters decide to throw one last house party before their parents sell their family home.

I had three films that were in the top three all along and I kept switching them, I could not decide what should be number one. So tonight I etch in stone...or Laptop ...or blog.
This film is shockingly bad. Shockingly not funny. Shockingly unrealistic. Shockingly irritating.
Lets watch a bunch of 30..something...40 something adults act annoying and throw a party.
Soooooooooooo many jokes fall flat.
Bright spots? The second time this year John Cena shows up in a comedy (Trainwreck) and gets many a laugh. In this film he gets the only laughs.
This film is really bad and I wanted to walk out half way through. Then out of desperation they try to throw in the I learned to be a good mother card. No!!!
All year long I kept blogging this is the year in film for women. So many good movies with women in the lead. Then this which came at the end of the year. So bad and sad.
Not even worth a look on home video when it comes out.

Number 3 Worst Film Of 2015 Sisters

Image result for get hard movie 2015

Directed by Ethan Cohen
Screenplay by six writers
Starring: Will Ferrell and Kevin Hart

When  multi-millionaire James King (Ferrell) is found guilty for fraud and is sent to San Quentin, he turns to Darnell Lewis(Hart) to prep him before he goes to jail.

Boy as you can tell by my list it was a bad year for comedy. Think about it. Only Amy Schumer succeeded. Many of these failures at comedy were big time actors like this one. I mean you have Ferrell and Hart. How can it go so wrong???!!

The film was criticized for racist material. I did not see that. I think the film leans more toward a white person being oblivious and clueless because he seemed to work and live behind walls.
Six writers. I mention that because six writers were involved and this film did not have many laughs, which is shocking. It was more cringe worthy than funny. One scene at a gay diner, I think that is what it was, was just hard (no pun intended) to watch, it was not funny, and borderline homophobic. It was lazy writing with waaay to many coincidences and a rushed ending that seems like it was thrown together.
The film came across as lazy and two actors picking up a check while having some fun together.

Number 2 for worst film of 2015 Get Hard

Tomorrow comes number 1

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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