Friday, January 15, 2016

New Film Review: 13 Hours The Secret Soldiers Of Benghazi

Image result for 13 hours the secret soldiers of benghazi
Directed by Michael Bay
Screenplay by Chuck Hogan
Based On The Book By Mitchell Zuckoff
Starring John Krasinski; Pablo Schreiber; James Badge Dale; and Dave Denman

An American Ambassador is killed during an attack at a U.S. compound in Libya as a security team struggles to make sense out of the chaos.

I went in to this film very hesitant. No it was not the subject. It was that Michael Bay was involved.
I am not a fan. In fact I honestly cannot tell you one film he made that I liked.
So 13 hours. Michael Bay. Finally, something god!!. Sure he still cannot help himself. He has to throw in his corny lines "I am just proud that you are an American". Or his slow motion walk to the fight in a lined up group shot. Or the American flag at the end floating in water with debris. The same mortar shell shot following it straight down toward its target used in all his other films. The moments of "I love you kids" He has to do it.
However, except for those typical Michael Bay moments this film is really good.
Michael Bay made many smart choices starting with Krasinski as the lead. An odd choice using someone mostly known for his work in The Office, a comedy (Note David Denman is in this also from The Office). It was a very good decision because he looks like the every man. He does not have those Hollywood good looks and you can believe him as just an average guy doing a job.
He also used darkness as the biggest fear. You can really see what these brave men went through in the pitch black and the confusion of not only the darkness, but that darkness and the confusion of who is on their side. I was holding my breath often watching this. I knew what happened, but I could not remember who came out of this mess alive.
The film wisely does not go to heavy on WHY ISN'T ANYONE COMING TO HELP!! They mention it about every 15-20 minutes by showing phone calls and maps mainly because ...THEY NEED HELP!
You feel as frustrated as all the people stuck there. I cannot imagine what all those people were going through while leaning on these four/five people to help fight off 100's. It must of been out and out crazy.
Now why? After watching this film I think the question should be why? Why and how? Note why!
I think sometimes people get caught up in who. Who is to blame. Instead of why. Why did this happen. Why was there such a communication breakdown where it seemed like everywhere they looked for help the person on the other line did not want to take responsibility?! Now, did it go all the way up to the Hillary? By watching the film, I get a feeling it never went there, but we will never know. Which goes back to the why. People have to ask why was there a communication breakdown?! Why was communication so slow?! Why was security so soft at the compounds which could have saved Ambassador Chris Stevens life?! People should own the why and then make sure that it does not happen again so others who are living or fighting over seas are safe. Clearly there was a communication breakdown that I hope was/or will be fixed. Bay puts us in the middle of this and you can sense their frustration. But, like noted before, he does not overkill the communication problem, he tends to focus on the heroes.

4 stars out of 5 for this surprisingly well done film

From the shadows as always thanks for your help

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