Friday, January 15, 2016

New Film Review: Ride Along 2

Image result for ride along 2


Directed by Tim Story
Screenplay by Phil Hay and Matt Manfredi
Starring Ice Cube and Kevin Hart

As his wedding day approaches, Ben (Hart) heads to Miami with his soon-to-be brother-in-law James (Ice Cube) to bring down a drug dealer who's supplying the dealers of Atlanta with product.

I was not a fan of the first Ride Along film. I found the plot thin and the laughs were few and far between.
So now I come to Ride Along 2. This is an odd film. Like the first film it lacks laughs ( there is one funny video game/car chase). The plot is predictable. However even though... there are not many laughs...and a thin is oddly enjoyable as a slight action film.
The chemistry between Cube and Hart seems to be getting better, with Cube being the straight man. They grow on you and you kind of care about them.
They get help from Olivia Munn a Miami police investigator. She really does not have much to do but her part is needed as a navigator through Miami. She has no chemistry with the two leads at all. She looks like she seems to have came in from another film.
 What really make this film work here is very good performance by Benjamin Bratt as the bad guy. He plays the part so slimy you want him to go down and that is the hook that works. He is really fun to watch and hate.
So what you have here is a comedy without many laughs and a script that you know where it is going . However, like noted before, there is something there in the plot with a really good bad guy that makes it slightly work.
2 1/2 stars out of 5 for a film that at best is serviceable for entertainment. What I am saying is you could do a lot worse. I just wish it had more laughs and the script was not so transparent.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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