Thursday, March 3, 2022



When The Riddler (Paul Dano),starts murdering key political figures in Gotham, Batman is forced to investigate the city's corruption, and take a look at his family's past.

I want to tell you first..if you are thinking about moving to, or vacationing in Gotham, please second guess that thought. It is always dark, the sun never shines, and it seems like it rains everyday. Plus crime is everywhere and that is why housing is so cheap. Just don't!!! Try Metropolis. 

Well The Batman is a very different superhero movie. It is more like a crime/mystery noir. Less of a superhero movie. In fact Batman is investigating more than fighting here. If that is what you like....this may be the film for you.
I see people saying this is a 5 out of 5 film. Well, that is waaaay too far. 
Lets start with negatives first:
-3 hours. Director Matt Reeves I guess does not like editors. Yes, like I said before, it is a crime noir film, so it will be a very slow mystery/investigation. I saw many unnecessary scenes and some scenes that the characters do over and over that could have been cut out or shortened.
-The ending (No spoilers) I thought is that it? I mean...nothing was solved except a discovery of who the Riddler is. We waited this long for this....
-I saw so many unnecessary PC stuff I just shook my head often, thinking..COME ON...

Well let me get to the Positives because believe it or not I did like the movie:
-Robert Pattinson as Batman and Zoe Kravitz as Catwoman are really good and have great chemistry. I kind of found Catwoman more interesting than Batman.
-Paul Dano as The Riddler...Unrecognizable Colin Farrell as OZ..John Turturro as Carmine Falcone are all perfect as bad guys. This film does not work unless it has good bad guys.
-Then wonderful performances by Jeffrey Wright as Commissioner Gordon and Andy Serkis as Alfred
-This film is very dark, I mean dark to see, however there are some beautiful looking scenes, gorgeous looking. There is one scene between Catwoman and Batman, as a camera geek, I almost said out loud WOW! This should be seen on the big screen.

I cannot say much ..SPOILER FREE...I would give The Batman 3 1/2 out of 5 stars. I mean if you like film noir this may be for you. Definitely not for kids. Violent and dark. I was entertained....still 3 hours...with trailers 3.5 hours. 

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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