Saturday, March 5, 2022



Another adaptation of Frank Herbert's science fiction novel about the son of a noble family entrusted with the protection of it's most valuable asset and most vital element Spice.

I got a strong Star wars vibe from this. However Star Wars is a much better film due to its pace.

-It is never good when you have to keep stopping the story to explain what will happen or what can happen or who is bad and who is good..It makes the film feel overlong..well..2.5 hours is long. I mean you could go to the bathroom and come back and not miss a thing. For a science fiction film..its pace is off. Maybe that is why it did not work the first time on film, it needs the descriptions from the Frank Herbert Novel so viewers can understand. It may just work better as a novel.
-I cared more for Rebecca Ferguson's character Lady Jessica Atreides. than Timothee Chalamet's Paul. I just felt more for her trying to do the right thing than Paul who was slightly obnoxious. Yet..he was Brave..
-No end!!! You know how I feel about no end. You pay your should get a beginning, middle, end! That simple. I do not like the...know we are still going forward tune in and pay more money in a year.

-Well acted by every one in the cast:
Chalamet and Ferguson our two leads are wonderful
Oscar Isaac as Duke Leo Atreides
Jason Momoa as Duncan Idaho
Stellan Skarsgard as Baron Vladimir Harkonnen I mean...Is he ever bad in a movie??
Josh Brolin as Gurney Halleck
Javier Bardem as Stilgar
Dave Bautista as Glossu Rabban Harkonnen
I mean look at that line up!
The performances make this film watchable. 
To be honest, the performances kinda make me want to see this the next part.

I would give Dune 3 out of 5 for it's look; the performances, not as much the scattered story line.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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