Thursday, February 27, 2020

New Film Review: The Assistant

Image result for the assistant


The Assistant follows a day in the life of Jane (Julia Garner) an assistant for a high power film studio executive.

I read that many people detested this film. Calling it just boring and nothing happens. People have walked out of this film. In fact one walked out during my screening.

It will be hard to review without spoiling...but the boss is doing more then producing work, with many ladies. However by doing that he pulls in all his employees to cover for him, and if they don't he gets belligerent. Jane is often frustrating to watch, often you want to scream...leave..just leave...QUIT! We are not in her shoes however, we are just witness to this train-wreck I personally could not look away.

Julia Garner is just soooooo good. It is like a one woman show, she is in every scene. Saying so much with just a tired look, as everyone is treating her as less. Sometimes less because she is a woman; sometimes because she has a quiet personality; sometimes people are just taking advantage of Jane's soft personality and position.

Yes nothing much happens the same time a lot is happening you just have to open your mind and eyes.

I really liked it, it is a fascinating study that probably happens in many offices. I want to also point out that people say this is what it is like for women in the workplace. Maybe. I think with this story she was so soft she was eaten up, this can happen to men and/or women. The big issue is the Weinstein industry they also highlight.

Negative? Not much happens. Most things happen off screen and we have to use our imagination. So we are just watching Jane's eyes and her worries. It is just slow, if you do not like slow it is not for you.

I give The Assistant 3 out of 5 stars. Julia Garner is just fantastic and helps propel the slow story forward.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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