Friday, September 6, 2019

New Film Review: IT Chapter 2

Image result for it chapter 2

IT Chapter 2

There is an ongoing inside joke in this film where older Bill, played by James McAvoy, who is a writer whom cannot finish a script, or story. This is often said about Stephen King and his books. So they have this running joke in the film where it is mentioned often, including by Stephen King himself playing an antique store owner. I happen to agree with this assessment, other than Christine and Carrie....he really struggles at finishing stories. Sadly this includes IT.
The acting/casting. Everyone of the actors in this film are great. Jessica Chastain as Bev; McAvoy; Isaiah Mustafa as Mike; Jay Ryan as Ben; James Ransone as Eddie.
However the one big standout is Bill Hader as the grownup Richie. He steals this film away from the bigger names. His character goes from hilarious too sadness too all out fear. He is very very good.

Sadly this brings me to negatives:
At 2 hours and 50 minutes, yes you read that right , the film does not move. We follow the now losers club back home as they promised in part one, to return if Pennywise returns. So we spend a lot of the film looking at what happened to each member of the losers club right after the incidents of Pt 1. It drags on and on. Then 45 minutes left in the film they finally decide to go after Pennywise. Without any weapons. Huh? However they have this mystical thing that really made no sense to me. To be honest I never really understood what the hell Pennywise was. I think a wicked ghost. Maybe???!!! I know he can get into their I Do Not Know!! But what I do know is...this story just dragged.
So I will stop there no spoilers as usual.
I wanted to add....the town? Maybe they could not afford extras but the town seems always empty. However there is a fair in town ? Sooooo...I guess everyone is always at the fair? Where is everyone????????!!!!!! Oh there is shit going down in this town but maybe the police are at the fair also, because I cant find them WHERE THE SHIT IS GOING DOWN!!!!!!!!!!

Well I am giving IT Chapter 2...2 stars out of 5. Well acted, plus there is an overriding nice story about the bonds of friendship. is still a bit of a disappointment. King cannot finish!!

Quick note: I have been behind on keep an eye out for a flood of reviews coming!!!!!

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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