Monday, September 9, 2019

New Film Review: Blinded By The Light

Image result for blinded by the light movie


Often I note this.
Or how?
How can a film this good fail?
I sometimes think this is the end of the movie theaters as we know it.
Tent pole films have changed the theaters. Films without a tent pole will no longer be seen on the big screen. Movies like Blinded By The Light or The Art Of Racing or Hotel Mumbai which are all really good films will only be seen on Netflix or Hulu. They have no big money backing from the producers or the tent poles like Marvel films or Disney films. Its a shame because some films should be communal and be talked about in the lobby and be enjoyed together. It is sad.
So...Blinded By The Light...surprised me. It reminded me a lot of The Greatest Showman. Its part drama...part musical, with wonderful performances and music.
We follow the true story of a Pakistanian young man named Javed played wonderfully by Viveik Kalra whose life is in turmoil:

1-H e is a Pakistanian living in England in the late 80's, where many do not want them around.
2-His father wants him to learn a trade and not be a writer, which he wants to be, because that is not a trade.
3-He is going to a new school where he kind of struggles to fit in.

Through all this he finds a good friend in Roops played wonderfully by Aaron Phagura, who introduces him to the music and writings of Bruce Springsteen.
Then he meets a friend and social activist Eliza, played by Nell Williams, who opens his eyes, and opens up his writing abilities if that makes sense.
A teacher played by Hayley Atwell who points him in the right directions.
Everything here works in an odd way.
Kudos to Director Gurinder Chada who took odd chances that worked, like having Springsteen's music lines floating across the screen, which made the words or lines have a bigger impact.

A few...the film feels a bit long with the back end meandering.
Plus, the story line between Eliza and Javed is forgotten, it really gets lost...who knows what happened to her and their relationship.

Still what a nice, wonderful, entertaining, corny, true story....4 1/2 of 5 stars for Blinded By The Light.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time

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