Sunday, September 15, 2019

New Film Review: Peanut butter Falcon

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Zak (Zack Gottsagen), a young man with Down Syndrome,  runs away from his care home to pursue his dream of being a pro-wrestler.
On the way, while being pursued by Eleanor (Dakota Johnson) a care giver, he meets a new friend in Tyler (Shia LeBouf).

It is an interesting story. It is a travel film for sure. Often sweet, and sometimes sad. Well acted by all involved highlighted by maybe an Oscar Nomination worthy performance by LeBouf.

I really liked this film, it was so different and sweet but the ending of the film...the story became a bit loose...or nutty. It is like the screenwriters and directors Tyler Nilson and Michael Schwartz had an idea, and it was a good idea, but they had no idea how to finish it, and it did not work. It makes you leave the theatre and go...aaaahhh okay.

3 stars out of 5 for Peanut Butter Falcon. Beautifully acted, beautiful to look at, however it crashed and burned at the end.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

New Film Review: Downton Abbey

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The king and queen are coming!!!
The king and queen are coming!!!
We return to Downton after many years. I will not go deep into the plot points because of ...well I do not want to ruin it. Before I get into positives and negatives I can tell you I went into this film thinking it was a money grab squeezing the last bit of juice out of its popularity. I was wrong!!!

-Maggie Smith I hope gets an Oscar Nom here because she is wonderful. She is 85 years old and her comic timing and delivery was just spot on!! Smith as Violet Crawley and Penelope Wilton as Isobel Grey could have their own film. They play off each other so well.
-As for the rest of the cast they are all great in their small roles, I guess other than Maggie Smith, Allen Leech as Tom Branson has the biggest part in the film and he shines.
-The story works. You find even for the staff "Downstairs", there is a hierarchy, and that higher hierarchy is coming with the queen and king. The battle begins!! It is war!! Of course there are other things going on to add drama. Julian Fellows wrote a drama filled, funny, tear eyed script. Successfully fitting it all in a two hour film (some unnecessary, to note later)
-The look. Director Michael Engler and Cinematographer Ben Smithard must have been thrilled to put this big sweeping film on the big screen. Constantly showing us this big beautiful structure, plus the wonderful looking sets that are beautifully lit using soft lighting and shadows. Oscar Nomination maybe?

Oh...there is a is a big one....
-The struggle to find a storylines for all of the characters in a 2 hour film I understand can be difficult. There are a couple storylines that are not needed for sure. Plus any storyline that took the characters away from Downton made the film drop into the abyss. You really felt it, and it made the film drag a bit.
-You will also find two main characters thrown into the film just to throw them into the film,they barely had anything to do, it was obvious they could not make the filming. I would bet they showed up for one day of filming and they may have CGI them in. I thought...what is the point...maybe.

A quick note...for Harry Potter fans...note the wink to Harry Potter between Maggie Smith (Professor McGonagall) and Imelda Staunton (Dolores Umbridge). The crowd in my screening got it. Will you?

4 stars out of 5 for Downton...a pleasant surprise. Bring tissues.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

New Film Review: Ready Or Not

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Okay.....I have to confess...I thought before going into this movie the film starred Margot Robbie. I KNOW!!! This Samara Weaving looks just like her!!!
This film follows Grace (Weaving) as she marries Alex (Mark O'Brien) and becomes part of the wealthy yet crazy Le Domas family.
This film is nutty. Often it follows the frustration of a horror film with the lead doing not so many bright "Come on Grace!! Leave the new not worry about him and just get out!".
This film is leans heavily on the shoulders of its lead Weaving who is great here. You care about her, because she comes across as real. Yes she is frightened; but also a fighter. Plus.....often funny in a "What The F@#$#" way.

Quick note: It is good to see Adam Brody back on the screen.

If I had negatives:
-Again the frustration of the lead making really bad decisions
-The end was too open. I mean what do the Police think of this. How does she explain what just happened???!!

It delivers what you came for, it is a thriller, horror and kind of a comedy all in one.
3 stars out of 5 for Ready Or Not. Great job by this Samara Weaving....not Margot Robbie.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

Monday, September 9, 2019

New Film Review: Blinded By The Light

Image result for blinded by the light movie


Often I note this.
Or how?
How can a film this good fail?
I sometimes think this is the end of the movie theaters as we know it.
Tent pole films have changed the theaters. Films without a tent pole will no longer be seen on the big screen. Movies like Blinded By The Light or The Art Of Racing or Hotel Mumbai which are all really good films will only be seen on Netflix or Hulu. They have no big money backing from the producers or the tent poles like Marvel films or Disney films. Its a shame because some films should be communal and be talked about in the lobby and be enjoyed together. It is sad.
So...Blinded By The Light...surprised me. It reminded me a lot of The Greatest Showman. Its part drama...part musical, with wonderful performances and music.
We follow the true story of a Pakistanian young man named Javed played wonderfully by Viveik Kalra whose life is in turmoil:

1-H e is a Pakistanian living in England in the late 80's, where many do not want them around.
2-His father wants him to learn a trade and not be a writer, which he wants to be, because that is not a trade.
3-He is going to a new school where he kind of struggles to fit in.

Through all this he finds a good friend in Roops played wonderfully by Aaron Phagura, who introduces him to the music and writings of Bruce Springsteen.
Then he meets a friend and social activist Eliza, played by Nell Williams, who opens his eyes, and opens up his writing abilities if that makes sense.
A teacher played by Hayley Atwell who points him in the right directions.
Everything here works in an odd way.
Kudos to Director Gurinder Chada who took odd chances that worked, like having Springsteen's music lines floating across the screen, which made the words or lines have a bigger impact.

A few...the film feels a bit long with the back end meandering.
Plus, the story line between Eliza and Javed is forgotten, it really gets lost...who knows what happened to her and their relationship.

Still what a nice, wonderful, entertaining, corny, true story....4 1/2 of 5 stars for Blinded By The Light.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time

Friday, September 6, 2019

New Film Review: The Art Of Racing In The Rain

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This film follows the life of a race car driver Denny Swift. We follow his races; life with his love Eve (Amanda Seyfried); life with their daughter Zoe, all seen through the eyes of his loyal dog Enzo voiced positively wonderful by Kevin Costner.

This is the type of film critics do not like and they sure did not like this one. It has emotion and a corny ending!!! They hate that.

I ate it up. I did read the book years ago, but I forgot most of it, which was good. I watched not knowing what will happen. I enjoyed the film. I am a sucker for a good corny film. This has a good amount of laughter, sadness (not the sadness you think when you see a dog film), and a sweet ending.
It separates itself from...lack of a better phrase...bad over the top corny films by a really interesting screenplay by Mark Bomback and Garth Stein. They Compare life to racing in the rain and when to push forward and when to hold back. It is kind of sweet.
Also it is is well acted by Milo Ventimiglia as Denny and also Seyfried., even thought they are overshadowed by Costner and Enzo. This film just works.

4 stars out of 5 for The Art Of Racing In The Rain. It delivers what you pay for with good performances. I liked it more than I thought I would that is for sure. Bring tissues.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

New Film Review: Good Boys

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The film follows three 6th grade boys as they get mixed up in drug running; being hunted by (unrealistic) teenage girls; while trying to make it home in time to make the party they want to be at to get their first kisses.

I did not laugh as much as I hoped, but I was entertained through the whole film. Plus the film did not overstay its welcome coming in at 90 minutes.
All 3 young actors Jacob Trembley as Max; Keith L Williams as Lucas; and Brady Noon as Thor give good performances and have great chemistry.

You really have to let your mind go while watching this because of plot holes...that involve these 6th graders and no one calling the police at least once!!!!!!!!!!

Well this is a short review because I dont want to spoil it...especially dad's CPR doll.

3 1/2 stars out of 5 for a film that delivers what you want. Laughs.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

My Top 5 Films (And Recommended) Of 2024 At Six Months

Top 5 films that I have seen in the first 6 months of the year and maybe a book and album recommendation!!! Well let me get no ...