Wednesday, May 22, 2019

New Film Review: Tolkien

Image result for tolkien movie


A very slow and boring film, that gets saved in the last 15  minutes.
It follows the life of Tokien. highlighting his years school with his friends he found there. This "Fellowship" inspired his stories.
I thought often while watching the film of a film I saw last year called First Man. This film was about Neil Armstrong. Neil Armstrong was a great man, however sometimes no matter how great a person is, their life does not make a very good movie. Neil Armstrong was quiet and cold. I can say the same for Tolkien. The movie just lays there...while he hangs out at the shops drinking tea. It feels stagnant with little emotion.
The last 15 minutes helps the we see what all he has done in his life has led to.
The positives are....
Nicholas Hoult as Tolkien, is very very good with what he has to work with. Often saying a lot by just looking.
Lily Collins as Edith Bratt, Tolkien's future wife. She is the one 2/3 in who at least brings some personality to the film...and as she usually is, in all of her parts, Collins is very good.
Patrick Gibson; Tom Glynn Carney; and Anthony Boyle, are also wonderful as the secret society members or "The Fellowship".

The movie directed by Dome Karukoski is edited strangely constantly breaking up the story by jumping ahead in time to where Tolkien is in the war. Then jumping back in time to his time with his friends. That is a bad decision. The story is a struggle to pay attention to often because the lead is emotionless and the story is bland and then they leave it and comes back and we forget where we were.

Well any way, if you are a fan of Tolkien books it is worth a look for home viewing when it becomes available. You have fine performances, and you may learn a little bit about this imaginative writer.

2 starts out of 5 for Tolkien

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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