Sunday, May 5, 2019

New Film Review: The Intruder

Image result for the intruder

The Intruder

Well...this film delivers what it was meant to do. You are holding on to the arm rest, trying not to scream NOOOOOOO!!! This is why you go see this film.
We follow this good looking couple Annie (Meagan Good) and Scott ((Michael Ealy) as they purchase a house from the kind, and later we find to be crazy, Charlie Peck (Dennis Quaid). The guy who will not leave!!!
It is a fun film, that drives you nuts...more on that later.
First the casting:
I have always been a fan of Michael Ealy, I think he is underrated and often you can see his frustration with just his facial expressions.
Meagan Good is believeable as the kind and often too kind wife. I have not seen her any films but here she wonderful.
Dennis Quaid. Okay he is awesome!! That smirk of a smile drives you nuts!!!!!

The negatives go back to the drive you nuts part...
-Call the police!!! Call the police!!! Call the police!!!
-Aaaah Annie a restraining order means do not invite him in!!
-You do not go into a dark area without an exit plan when you are by yourself!!!!
I could go on. Yes I know people in these types of films do stupid things. It is what they do!! Still this may have gone a bit too far!! You call the daughter but not the police!!!! It is funny to hear people in the theatre go OH NO! LOL!!

The awful ending drops it from 3 to 2 1/2 stars for me. We don't see what happens when police come???!! The next day?!! it just stops abruptly. I spent 90 minutes with these poor people I want closure!!!

Still good to watch 2 1/2  out of 5 stars for The Intruder!! It delivers what you pay for. It is not bad, that is for sure.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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