Wednesday, May 22, 2019

New Film Review: John Wick Part 3 Parabellum

Image result for john wick 3


Well I was surprised how much I liked the first John Wick.
The second John Wick ...was pointless.
Now we come to the 3rd John Wick......................................
John is still being chased and where ever he is being chased it is always raining.
This film reminded me of Kill Bill had that 70's martial arts feel and so did this film. However Kill Bill 2 was fun with its camp style. Kill Bill 2 however was all business and excessive and just okay.
Reeves is very good again.
Asia Kate Dillon and Mark Dacascos are really good bad guy/woman.
Halley Berry adds another angle with her dogs, and that works.

So John is being chased still and there is a lot of action. An over abundance. So much action it kind of takes the personality out of the film. It becomes silly, but not in a Taratino way, because there are not many lines or funny lines to let the viewers breath.
Then another problem is, there is no ending. You have to watch the next one. know what I am going to say....If you paid for a film, you deserve a beginning, middle, and end. This had no end.

2 stars out of 5 for John Wick 3 Parabellum.

If you like action you will get an overabundance. If you want a story, well we know the story and nothing else gets added to it...until the end, or lack of end.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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