Saturday, April 20, 2019

New Film Review: Missing Link

Image result for missing link



Missing Link follows the adventures of Sir Lionel Frost as he searches for the sasquatch...other wise known as Lucy.
The movie is odd because it has no target audience. The dry humor I think goes over the kids heads, and for animated films they need to laugh to keep their attention. In fact kids were very rammy in my screening. I am also not sure if there was enough action for them also. In a strange way this film can be more appreciated by adults. It has an Indiana Jones/Sherlock Holmes feel. Also, a nice storyline of being a part of a family or friends/and on the other hand of who to not be family or friends with.
Great voice work by:
Hugh Jackman as Frost
Zach Galifianakis as Lucy
Zoe Saldana as Ms Fortnight

Then throw in a kind of sweet story with wonderful looking stop motion animation.

It can be just a little flat so it is a little better than average at 3 stars.

May be worth a look when available for home viewing.

As always from the shadows thanks for your time.

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