Thursday, April 25, 2019

New Film Review: Avengers Endgame

Image result for avengers endgame


This will be a spoiler free review. However if you did not see the trailer then there may be spoilers. So if you did not see the trailer for this film stop now!!!

First I have to get up on my pedestal. AAAAHHH MY KNEES!!! Okay I am up. I was flooded with comments after my review of the last film Avengers..Infinity War. I said it was just okay. It had no ending and it was a a commercial for the next film. After Endgame I have to say....I rest my case. Watch the last 5 minutes of Infinity War....nothing else matters.  Now let me get down.

Endgame, Directed by the Russo brothers is fantastic!! Funny .....suspenseful ....intriguing....and sad (there are 2 deaths that are heartbreaking). All rolled up in a Marvel film. Oh and by the way many theories from the trailers were just theories...not panning out! They made you look left when you should have looked right.

I will break this down by hour, it is a 3 hour film, but surprisingly it flies by:

Hour 1
Casting Casting Casting. The first hour is all character development. It moves slow but it is very important. it works because of how great the cast is. Here finally, after all these years we get no CGI, we just let the cast shine. Highlighted by Downey Jr; Johansson; Hemsworth; and Ruffalo ( I still think Evans is a bad actor). All sooooo good!!!!!!!!! Humor mixed with sadness.

Hour 2
Hour 2 is time travel hour. This is no spoiler because you see the suits in the trailer. . Not going to tell you the plan, but I will say it gets very confusing sometimes. Like seeing 2 of the same characters at the same time and trying to figure out the point as we try to follow each hero against themselves kind of. I just went with it knowing the final goal. Then this red thing came out of no where and says someone has to die and it is not questioned?!! I often thought....How are little ones following this and it is sad often. Again; I went with it...the writing is a bit intriguing, it took chances knowing how odd of an idea it is.

Hour 3
The battle. You know it was coming,,,every Marvel movie has the final battle and this is...The Final Battle. Often choppy. Often too dark to see what is going on. Often you feel like it is being made up as they were filming it. Also sometimes the CGI lacked a bit. Still...the crowd was cheering!!!!!!! They were vested!! All in!! This is what you paid for ( Except this odd moment in the battle where all these women get together and fight, except it goes no where. It is like they threw it in at post-production to apiece a group but it went no where, it weird, the fight just stopped to show this..and then nothing happened). Then after the battle. No spoilers...but the tears. The crying in the theater. There are deaths and it is extremely note if you have little ones.

A wonderful ending to this long series.

One final quick note....Hemsworth has the best comic timing and he shows it over and over. It is underrated I think.

4 1/2 out of 5 stars for Avengers Endgame

From the shadows as always thanks for your time

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