Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Star Wars Day From The Shadows A Revisit Of The New Hope

Image result for star wars the new hope

Well happy Star Wars Day. Sooo lets take a revist to the original-----Star Wars The New Hope!!

First lets start with the original trailer:

That trailer is hilarious!! It is soooo bad!! "From the people who brought you American Graffiti". Hilarious!!

Okay it is time for fun and not so fun facts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-The film only had an 11 million dollar budget.

-George Lucas was so sure this film would flop that he skipped the premier and went on vacation in Florida.

-In the first day of taping in Tunsia the country experienced its first major rainstorm in 50 years.

-It took George Lucas a full year to write A New Hope. It came in at 200 pages.

-The score by John William is ranked number 1 by AFI as the greatest score of all time.

-Body count was 2,002,795,192

-That well known sound of the Star Destroyer was actually a broken air conditioner.

-Jabba The Hutt was originally in The New Hope. Hutt was cut from the film but later added for a home viewing special edition.

-The second USA film to take in 100 million dollars. The first was Jaws.

-Lucas pitched the film to Universal; United Artist; and Disney. They all passed. Fox took a chance. Ironically Disney years later will acquire the franchise.

-Opening weekend Star Wars made 1.554 million on fewer than 40 screens.

Well ...what is next???!! Rogue One is next and here is the first trailer!!!!!!

Awesome looking and it comes to theaters in December!!!

From the shadows...May The Fourth Be With You!!

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