Thursday, May 12, 2016

New Film Review: Money Monster

Image result for money monster


Directed by Jodie Foster
Screenplay by Jamie Linden; Alan Difore; and Jim Koulfe
Starring: George Clooney; Julia Roberts; and Jack O'Connell

Well no explanation needed, the trailer says it all.

I went in to this film really not looking forward to seeing this. For the strangest reason. George Clooney. I am tired of seeing George Clooney and listening to him on my TV. George telling me who to vote for and what is wrong with the country when he really does not live here. He spends almost all of his time in Greece and other countries. And if I was a betting man, to avoid taxes that is where the money he makes hangs out. But I got over myself and went to see this film. You know what? This film is really good!! As always no spoilers here.
What works?
Jack O'Connell as Kyle Budwell, the young man who lost his money, it is his film. He is wonderful. Yes Julia Roberts is in this and she is really good with not much to do but give directions and be tense. George, as noted is in this and yes he is really good being the guy with a gun to his head. Still, Jack o'Connell he is amazing in this. Rollercoastering from wacky, to scared, to angry, to complete sadness. I hope they remember him at Oscar time for supporting actor.....he is that good. Like noted so good he takes the film from the two stars.
Jodie Foster, the director, as always really knows how to tell a story when she is in charge. This film not just a hostage movie, but equally a corporate greed movie. Exciting; tense; and sometimes exasperatingly sad (The scene where Kyle is talking to his girlfriend is stunning, it had me covering my mouth and ears). So yes she sure knows how to tell a story....................which brings me to a problem........
Foster often has trouble closing her films, and in this one I felt the same. The film gets a little wacky at the end. Also, no spoilers here, but when the credits roll, I am thinking whats the point? The whole thing is just sad. Even sadder goes on like nothing happened. Maybe that is the point. We are numb to corruption and violence.

Well 4 stars out of 5 for Money Monster. A very good film. Just some trouble closing. Jack O'Donnell!!!!!

As always thanks for your time from the shadows.

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