Monday, June 14, 2021

New film review: Dream Horse

Director Euros Lyn
Screenplay by Neil McKay

Jan Vokes (Toni Collette) , a small town Welsh bartender, Comes up with a crazy idea to breed a race horse. With help from Howard Davies (Damian Lewis) who has some experience with horse, and cash from from the townsfolk they all become owners of Drean Alliance.

How can you not like this true story. Collette gives a wonderful performance along with Owen Teale  who plays her supportive husband.
Danian Lewis as Jan right hand man is good if not a little stiff in this role. He has a back story of family strife
The towns people who become co-owners of Dream Alliance give the film some love and humor.
As for the races, the look is very realistic, Director Euros Lyn does a wonderful job putting the viewer right in the middle of the race and showing us the risks of these types of races.

Well lets face it we all know where this film is going. The film takes its time, with character development. The underdog rising up. It is very enjoyable, to a point in my screening, people were cheering and clapping....welcome back to the communal experience of movie theaters!!!!!

3 1/2 stars out of 5 for Dream Horse. Yes we have seen this movie before however Collette and Director Lyn sucks works.

From the shadows as always from the shadows as always .

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