Friday, June 11, 2021

New Film Review: In The Heights


Directed by Jon Cho
Screenplay by Quiara Algria Hudes

Lin-Manuel Miranda's Broadway musical come to the big screen!! The story of a dreamer, Bodega owner Usnavi (Anthony Ramos) as he saves his money in hopes of a better life.

Well..going in I heard a strong buzz on this one. I will just say...I went in a bit hesitant.
Is  In The Heights good? No. It is very good. Not great....but very good.
I think you have to reaaaalllly like musicals to enjoy this film. I mean this is one of these musicals that have people singing a small conversation, when many musicals would have them speaking those lines. So it is one of those musicals. Trust me on this, before you read on, I love a good musical. I like entertainment. Entertain me and I am happy. In fact I would say WICKED is the best written piece of entertainment covering all genres in decades. So...I am in.

Let me get my negatives out of the way:
-It is odd, it is just a story. What I mean is there is no real conflict other than inner turmoil within the leads. Most good musicals have that conflict which keeps you watching to see the resolution. Think Wicked; Hamilton; West Side..and so on they have conflict. Then it brings me to the next Negative.....

-2 hours and 30 minutes. Its long. In the theater you have an intermission,not here. So I go back to the conflict point, Endgame was 2 hours 30 minutes, however it did not feel that way because a conflict pushed the movie forward. In The Heights felt a bit long.

-The ending. I thought it was kinda of bullshit. No spoilers...but the viewer was mislead through the whole movie, then a big reveal you are suppose to be happy for Usnavi, not me I felt kind of sad for him lol. Wait you cant leave your life you loved in a neighborhood without taking a piece of that life with you? A person cannot start a fashion boutique somewhere else? Times change. Places change. Faces change. You still have memories.
Plus you can still love where you came from, and visit. Your neighborhood is a part of you whereever you go.

-Small issue; Subtitles would help. You may say...Well then learn Spanish. Well I can go the other way with that...but I will not. I will say...when at the theater or an art house they will subtitle the films so we understand...the characters..that's all.

Well I liked this movie a lot so lets get to the positives:

-The lead Anthony Ramos has become the front runner for male lead at the Oscars. All I can say his performance...his singing..his all on another level.

Leslie Grace as Nina
Melissa Barrera asVanessa
Corey Hawkins as Benny
Jimmy Smits as Kevin Rosario
I mean...Come On!!!!!!! Everyone of them are so talented acting; singing; and dancing.  

-The behind the scenes group who I am sure you will see Oscar night:
Cinematographer....Alice Brooks
Set Decorator ........Andrew Baseman
Costumes..............Mitchell Travers
Choreographer ....Christopher Scott
Put them all together and they plop you in The Heights. Time and place for this film is everything and it all these talented individuals made it work. I mean the pool scene!!! Wow!!!

So I come to the end of this review but I want to note to you...STAY THROUGH THE CREDITS...there is a cute funny scene at the end.

4 out of 5 stars for In The Heights. Other recent musicals..Lala Land..The Greatest Showman...I like those films a little bit better. Only a half star better lol. This was very good. If you like musicals go, see it on the big screen!

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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