Tuesday, March 31, 2020

New Review: Pretty Woman

Pretty Woman - Wikipedia

As I continue my look back at films that have a big anniversary this year, I come to...how about....

30 years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes 30 years ago we were introduced to Businessman Edward Lewis and Vivian Ward who ran her own independent small business on the streets of Hollywood.

Here is the original trailer from Touchstone theaters lol:

Well you know the story....even though it is dated a bit...well maybe a lot, the theme still works because it is timeless (Prince And The Pauper/My Fair Lady).

Lets start with fun and not so fun facts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:

-The original title of this film was 3000 dollars...the original price for Vivian set by Edward

-The movie was suppose to be a dark drama about prostitution in Hollywood. Vivian needed money to go to Disneyland. In fact Edward got tired of her drug problem threw her out of the car. She eventually took a bus to Disneyland. Gary Marshall made a different film obviously lol.

-The scene with the 250,000 necklace ..was actually a 250,000 dollar necklace , and was guarded the whole time by security, because it was borrowed for the filming..

-Speaking of the necklace, the scene where she first sees the necklace and reaches and he closes the box on her fingers was not in the script. Gere did this as a practical joke. Marshall liked it so much he kept it in the film.

-The famous poster above. They darkened Gere's hair after the fact. Oddly that is not Julia Roberts body

-Julia Roberts was not the first choice here..Jennifer Connolly turned it down. Molly Ringwald turned it down. Meg Ryan; Emily Lloyd; Winona Ryder all got the script and either turned it down or tried out and was turned down for the role.

-As for Richard Gere's part, Al Pacino and Albert Brooks were considered for the part of Edward.

-Richard Gere and Julia Roberts were 18 years apart in age.

Now for some quotes:

-:Your Late!
  Your Stunning.
   Your Forgiven

-Big Mistake. Big. Huge! I have to go shopping now.

-I would have stayed for two thousand
 I would have paid four

-It must be difficult to let go of something so beautiful

-50 bucks Grand Pa...for an extra 20 the wife can watch

Well there is my latest revisit...20 years later....

Be safe and as always thanks for your time from the shadows.


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