Tuesday, March 17, 2020

New Film Review: Emma

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Based on the classic Jane Austin book here is another remake of Emma! Emma Woodhouse spends much of her life meddling in other peoples lives...often creating a mess.

I have never been a big fan of Emma. I feel it drags often. The story goes no where in the first hour then has a big finish. People like the Emma story because of the big finish...they forget the time it took to get there and it is rather uneventful.

This version works because of casting:

Anya Taylor-Joy as Emma!! I mean has Taylor-Joy ever given a bad performance??!! Here she says so much with just a look, She is great with a look and a little twitch of her mouth.

Mia Goth as Harriet is soooooo soft...so good at holding her own against the steam roller that Emma (Taylor-Joy) is.

Bill Nighy in a small role as Mr Woodhouse shines and adds levity.

Also adding levity is the great Miranda Hart (Call The Midwife) as the very talkative but well meaning Miss Bates.

I see one miscast, and that is Johnny Flynn as George Knightley. He has to have chemistry with Taylor-Joy and unfortunately the answer is no. They just seem awkward together and  clumsy.

Again I am not a huge fan of Emma. I do not hate the story I just think it feels long and stagnant in the first hour, still I love the last hour and conclusion like most everyone else. For this version the acting shines...so 3 stars out of 5 for Emma worth a look for sure.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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