Tuesday, March 17, 2020

New Film Review: I Still Believe

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This is the true life story of Christian music star Jeremy Camp ((K. J. Apa) and his relationship with Melissa Henning (Britt Robertson), and the footprints that this relationship left going forward.

This is a Christian based film. I understand that these movies have small budgets. I also know the last one I saw The Overcomer was poorly acted and poorly written and was in my top ten worst films of the year last year. However I still hold out hope, that maybe once, even on a low budget, it will all come together and maybe just maybe they can give us a really good film.

Well...this was better than the Overcomer for sure. For one reason Britt Robertson. She owns this film and I always think she is an underrated actress. Here she commands the screen, even with a slightly weak script she is all in. She is wonderful.
It also has Gary Sinise as Jeremy's dad. He does not have much to do but when he gets his chance for the fatherly advice scene he is ...well Gary Sinise!!!

Now the big problem is the miscasting of K.J. Apa. He is stiff as a board. He cannot lip-sinc. He has no chemistry with Britt Robertson, and that is kind of important. There was never a time I believed they were a couple. I am also thinking that, maybe he is not that good of an actor and up against Robertson and Sinise it shows. A big casting mistake by the Erwin brothers.

The story itself is nice and uplifting and like noted...true. Kinda overly corny but, I imagine that is what you pay for.

Well anyway 2 1/2 stars out of 5 right down the middle for I still Believe. Worth a look when it comes to home viewing. Still not the christian based film homerun I hoped to see.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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