Thursday, October 18, 2018

New Film Review:The First Man

Image result for first man

3 1/2 OUT OF 4 STARS

The story of Neil Armstrong and his wife Janet leading up to the first moon walk.
I read often this being called one of the best films of the year. I disagree. Yes it has good performances by Gosling and Foy, with what they had to work with.
What they had to work with, to be blunt, two characters that were boring or maybe just quiet people. I am separating this between both their fantastic accomplishments and who they were. They were just quiet people. They were so...quiet this film should be passed on. They were...boring, almost shockingly. Now, the story of the launch and what was happening to prep for it was really interesting...then the film picked up wonderfully in the last 1/2 hour for the trip; the landing: and the walk. The performances and landing has me jumping this film from 2 1/2 too 3 1/2 stars.
I almost forgot, the look and special effects....Chazelle has the film looking wonderful. He makes you feel almost claustrophobic, like you are in space with them. Sadly you have to wait almost 2 hours for that.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time

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