Wednesday, October 24, 2018

New Film Review: Halloween 2018

Image result for halloween 2018



I was looking forward to this. Just a disappointment.
I am not a horror film fan, and you know that if you follow this blog...but out of nostalgia I wanted to see this.
I got frustrated with this because soooo many of the characters do stupid things Yes...I know as the GEICO commercial says: "If you are in a horror film you do stupid things; it is what you do"; but these are adults doing dumb things!!
I also found this violent. I thought the original was violent of course but you never saw it. You just saw looks on their faces and then the results. You saw a knife slash maybe. Here it was...violent...which kind of threw me off.
Lets also throw in a very very soft ending..people were sitting in the theatre looking that it as the credit ran.
Well I liked the storyline at least. Jamie Lee Curtis was awesome and so was her granddaughter played by Andi Matichak. So that is something.
Well if you want some scares this Halloween it does give you that...violently.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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