Tuesday, July 18, 2017

New Release For Home Viewing This Week

Image result for kong skull island

Only one new release this week for home viewing, and it is a pretty good one.
Trust me.............much better than the ape movie in movie theaters right now.


Directed by Jordan Voght Roberts
Screenplay by Dan Gilroy; Marc Borenstein; and Derek Connolly
Story by John Gatins
Starring Tom Hiddelston; Samuel L Jackson; Brie Larson; John C Reilly; and John Goodman

It is different that is for sure.. It takes place after the Vietnam War. Goodman recruits soldiers to go on this secret mission to this island. Only Goodman knows what they are in store for.
What they get on the island, the group breaks into two factions:
Faction 1 lead by Sam Jackson's Sgt Packard who wants war with this giant ape.
Faction 2 lead by  Hiddelston's Conrad; Larson's photographer Weaver; and World War 2 fighter Marlow played by Reilly. They want to just let Kong be and leave NOW! It is sort of a microcosm of the debates we see on TV constantly to fight or walk.
This movie is exciting and scary. It is not a movie for kids. The ape is cute but this film is basically a war film and a horror film with creatures coming up from the earth (Looking like the same creatures from The Great Wall). I jumped often.


Hiddelston's Conrad  may be the most boring lead of a film in years. I almost wanted him eaten so some one else can take the lead. He is so soft spoken and says so little. UGH!!
I love Larson. However why is she in this film? She has nothing to do but click a camera and touch the ape. I felt bad for her. Please note she never gets her shirt dirty. A waste of talent.

Well I already mentioned that it is exciting but let me mention:

John C Reilly steals this film as Marlow. A bit wacky...a bit caring...a bit sad. His best performance in years.
The biggest star of the film Kong himself looks great. Soft yet scary. Great CGI.

Now like noted before, this was a war story. This was also a horror story which I am not a huge fan of and was not expecting. 3 1/2 out of 5 stars for Kong Skull Island you go for the excitment and hope the big guy delivers and he does. Please watch the credits ...it is important.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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